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Transforming Waste, Empowering Lives.

Recycling Village is more than just a brand. It is a movement that empowers both the people and the planet. Join us on our mission to create a sustainable world while uplifting marginalized women communities across Indonesia, one craft at a time.

Read more our story
One of Recycling Village's empowered worker.

A one-of-a-kind piece of treasure, made entirely from 100% plastic waste.

Each piece is artistically handcrafted by women from rural villages in Indonesia, with a dose of love and a shared dream for a better tomorrow.

Explore the products
One of Recycling Village's product.
One of Recycling Village's product.
One of Recycling Village's product.
One of Recycling Village's product.

It takes a village to drive change.

Connect with us for partnership and collaboration that put The Planet & The People first.

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KPMG logoUnearth logoSonderlab logoHouse Warming logoDinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Tanggamus logo